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Represented Artists

Barbara Astman
Michael Bjornson
Raymond Clements
Deirdre Hofer
Alexander Jowett
Robert Kelly
Arno Kortschot
Thom Mayne
Jim McGrath
Sean Mills
Daniel Mullen
Robert Murray
James O'Mara
Dimitri Papatheodorou
John Patkau
Tony Robins
Tony Scherman
David Spriggs
David Urban
Charlotte Wall
Roger Watt
Nettie Wild
Robert Young

Available Works

Stephanie Aitken
Peter Aspell
Maxwell Bates
Byron Browne
Jack Bush
Richard Ciccimarra
Allyson Clay
Douglas Coupland
David Craven
Willem de Kooning
Jim Dine
Jim Dine and Lee Friedlander
Joe Fafard
Marzieh Fakhr
Gathie Falk
Graham Gilmore
Red Grooms
Angela Grossmann
Jim Hart
Ignacio Iturria
Donald Jarvis
Walter Lab
Suzy Lake
Francois-Xavier Lalanne
Patrice Lesick
Sol Lewitt
Attila Richard Lukacs
Medri MacPhee
Landon Mackenzie
Robert Mangold
Ronald Albert Martin
Ray Mead
Guido Molinari
Wayne Ngan
William Perehudoff
Pablo Picasso
Ulf Puder
Mahdieh Raeisi
Geoff Rees
William Ronald
Matt Saunders
Marc Seguin
Jack Shadbolt
Gordon Smith
Claude Tousignant
Antoniucci Volti
Jeff Wall
Jack Wise
Huan Zhang
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